Coriander Colors by Corey Yoder for Moda Fabrics

Coriander Colors is a cotton fabric collection designed by Corey Yoder for Moda Fabrics.

"Coriander Colors mixes some of my favorite simple prints from past collections with a beautiful rainbow of my favorite colors. From dots to stripes to checks and more, this line is packed with fabrics that are sure to complement any quilt project. Mix Coriander Colors with your favorite Coriander Quilts line of fabric or let the prints shine on their own.  Looking for background fabric to round out the collection? The Coriander Seeds basics line of white-on-whites is a perfect choice. With such versatility, I’m sure you’ll find just the project for Coriander Colors!" - from Moda Piece Issue 61

Click here to shop this collection. 





A Fat Quarter Bundle is also available.

ModaQuilt fabricSummer