
Pellon and Fusibles

90 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 90 products
Bosal In-R-Form Heart Leaf - 495-8B
Bosal In-R-Form Heart Leaf - 495-8B
Sale price$16.43
In stock, 3 units
CHK  Aida Cloth 18ct - GD18366750 White - Notions
CHK 2 Sided Fusible Flex Foam FF79F2 -
CHK 2 Sided Fusible Flex Foam FF79F2 -
Sale price$12.84
Sold out
CHK Aida Cloth 14ct - GD14360322 Antique White - Notions
CHK Aida Cloth 14ct - GD14365200 Natural - Notions
CHK Aida Cloth 14ct - GD14365200 Natural - Notions
Sale price$5.89
In stock, 3 units
CHK Aida Cloth 14ct - GD14366750 White - Notions
CHK Aida Cloth 14ct - GD14366750 White - Notions
Sale price$5.89
Only 2 units left
CHK Annie's Soft & Stable Black - PBASS1018 - Pellon and Fusibles
CHK Bo-Nash Fuse It Powder - B01002
CHK Bo-Nash Fuse It Powder - B01002
Sale price$12.99
Only 1 unit left
CHK Bo-Nash Fuse It Powder Starter Set - B01004
CHK Bo-Nash Fuse It Powder Starter Set - B01004
Sale price$19.99
Only 2 units left
CHK Bosal Heat Moldable Stabilizer 20in x 36in - 490B
CHK Bosal Heat Moldable Stabilizer 20in x 36in - 490B
Sale price$22.89
Only 2 units left
CHK Bosal In-R-Form Fusible Foam Stabilizer - 495BSB-18
CHK Bosal In-R-Form Fusible Foam Stabilizer - 495BSB-18
Sale price$14.96
In stock, 3 units
CHK Bosal Moldable Batting 18 x 45 - 494
CHK Bosal Moldable Batting 18 x 45 - 494
Sale price$33.47
Only 2 units left
CHK Bosal Soft Sewin Interfacing 304B-WHT White
CHK Bosal Soft Sewin Interfacing 304B-WHT White
Sale price$5.84
In stock, 78.5 yards
CHK Clover Fusible Bias Tape Web 5mm - 4031CV
CHK Clover Fusible Bias Tape Web 5mm - 4031CV
Sale price$4.50
Only 2 units left
CHK Craf Tex Double Sided Fusible Placemat Craft Pack -  PM-9B
CHK Craft Fuse Light Iron-On 20in wide # 808P-WHT
CHK Craft Fuse Light Iron-On 20in wide # 808P-WHT
Sale price$3.28
In stock, 7 yards
CHK Cut Crackle & Sew Sensory Material - TGQ137 - Interfacing
CHK Decor Bond Heavy Fusible Pellon 44" Wide - 809SRPWHT
CHK Designer Lite Fusible Midweight - 845FP-WHT - Pellon and Fusibles
CHK Double Sided Fusible Fleece 45in x 20yds # 985FP
CHK Double Sided Fusible Fleece 45in x 20yds # 985FP
Sale price$10.92
In stock, 9.25 yards
CHK Dritz Stitch Witchery Fusible Bonding Web - 227
CHK Dritz Stitch Witchery Fusible Bonding Web - 227
Sale price$3.09
In stock, 5 units
CHK Duet Double Sided Fusible Batting 7oz 45in x 25yds - 3250B
CHK Easy Knit Fusible Tricot Pellon 20in - EK130PWHT - Pellon and Fusibles

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